Thursday, August 16, 2018

Tips For Building Muscle If You Are A Skinny Guy (Ectomorph)!

If you are a naturally skinny guy, your body shape is known as Ectomorph. This means that you need to really understand how to build muscle if you want to see any noticeable increase in your muscle mass.

If you are an Ectomorph then it means that you have naturally thin body type. Individuals with this body type find it extremely difficult to either build muscle or gain fat. This is because they have high metabolisms that prevent the accumulation of body fat or the growth of muscle tissue.

Being an Ectomorph does not mean that it is impossible to gain muscle.

Also, Ectomorphs have the super power of being able to consume a lot of calories without gaining much body fat. This is why for you to build significant muscle mass, you need to make the effort to increase the amount of calories you are consuming considerably and steadily.

As a rule, men who are Ectomorphs need to consume as much as 3,000 calories per day if they are seeking to build decent muscle mass. Your body is super efficient at using calories for energy so you would have to supply it with an abundant amount of calories for it to build more muscle tissue.

You also need to be careful about the kinds of foods you eat to increase your calorie intake. Stick to lean protein and complex carbohydrates. Do not take the easy route by eating a lot of fatty foods, this category of food don’t easily get converted to lean muscle tissue.

Whole foods should be a staple in your diet. These kinds of foods usually have high amounts of nutrients which your body needs to heal and grow muscle tissue when you are resting (after your weight training workouts). Stick to foods like:

And of course you must be engaged in an intense weight training regimen that is intended to assist you in building muscle mass. You should always take 24 hours as rest after each workout. This means you only train once in two days.

You also need to make sure that you are doing workouts that cause fatigue in your muscles when you are nearing the end of your set. It would take doing 40 – 60 minutes training sessions regularly for a few months before you experience a clear increase in your muscle mass.

Only do minimal cardio exercise (20 minutes of brisk walking) when you are trying to build muscle. 

A Mesomorph or and Endomorph can get away with doing cardio while building muscle because they have a slower metabolism than you.

Another reason is that too much cardio would reduce your strength and your ability to lift more weights or do more repetitions which limits your muscle growth.

Intense cardiovascular exercising requires lots of energy and this energy is what you need to conserve so that you can be able to lift weights intensely. If you expend all you energy on a treadmill or stationary bike, you would have little or no energy to lift weights that would build your muscles.

Any time you train intensely, you would have to allow at least a day for your body to rest and build muscle tissue. This is because actual muscle growth doesn’t happen when you are lifting weights, it happens after you have trained and you are resting and sleeping. So, ensure that you are giving your muscles enough time to recover from your workouts.

And lastly, you have to structure your schedule so that you are getting at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. This is the primary period when the body repairs worn-out tissue and builds muscle.

So, yes if you are skinny guy, you can pack on decent muscle mass. However you must be strict with these suggestions if you want to achieve your desire of becoming more muscular.

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